Religious Education and Our Curriculum

Our RE Curriculum


At Cutnall Green C of E Primary School, we challenge everyone to be the best that they can be. High expectations, standards and values are promoted throughout the school and within all lessons. At Cutnall Green C of E Primary School, we aim to create learners that are equipped for the future with knowledge and skills such as; independence, resilience, motivation and respect. Religious Education is taught to encourage learners to embody these important qualities; to be independent, motivated and respectful of all others. Religious Education is implemented following the Worcestershire Agreed 2020-2025 Syllabus and Understanding Christianity. The Principle Aim of R.E. is to engage children in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address. Children develop the understanding and skills needed to appraise varied responses to these questions as well as developing responses of their own.



Children are taught RE in an open and safe environment. Children are encouraged and free to ask questions and seek answers for themselves, with guidance from teachers. They have the opportunity to explore a range of religions, faiths and beliefs. They are able to describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices. Children are taught to recognise diversity within our local community and the wider world. This learning takes place during weekly RE lessons across all year groups and we also have specific RE days which are held throughout the year. All children develop the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views. This allows learners to have the opportunity to enquire and investigate about key concepts in faiths and beliefs. Learners gain the ability to make enquiries into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully and articulate beliefs and values. Learning is not always recorded in a formal written way. Children are given the opportunity to use discussion, drama and art to interpret and present their understanding in different ways.



Children are respectful of all religions, faiths and beliefs. They are taught to be respectful of others’ beliefs when learning about and discussing different faiths and beliefs. Learners are able to draw similarities and differences confidently. Children have the confidence to respectfully ask questions, know where to seek answers and investigate further.

Two Year Cycle

In RE, we follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity. Our overview follows a 2-year cycle and we are currently on Cycle A.

How Our Vision Shapes the Wider Curriculum:


A Curriculum focussed on sustainability

As we teach our pupils to Love, Learn and Live as global citizens in an ever-changing world, we know there will be many challenges ahead. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time which impacts on all living things. Due to inequalities, global health issues, more frequent and intense natural disasters, natural resource depletion, increase in global temperatures and sea levels rising, we are now at a pivotal point. The survival of many living things and biological support systems of the planet are at risk. We have to act now.   


We are committed to working together to educate our pupils about the importance of achieving the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) Sustainable Development Goals. We will do this through our curriculum which will deliver and drive key messages about each of our chosen areas. 


There are 6 key elements of learning within our curriculum founded on sustainability goals. These elements are key attributes and skills which we aim to instil in our pupils: 


The 6 elements and key actions are: 


Knowledge - To know more, remember more and be able to do more for the benefit of humanity and the planet. 

Equality - To know that everyone’s human rights should be protected and respected. 

Innovation - To look at things in different ways and find solutions when faced with a challenge. 

Legacy - To learn from the past in order to protect our planet now and in the future. 

Partnership - To know that greater change can happen when we work together. 

Sustainability - To promote the careful use of resources so that they are available in the future. 


Our curriculum helps our children to develop the skills and knowledge they need for their future lives as architects, engineers, designers, artists and teachers of the future.