

At Cutnall Green C of E Primary School, we aim to provide an enriching and high-quality Geography curriculum which we hope will inspire in our pupils an inquisitiveness and fascination about their world and the people in it. We aim to do this through planning a coherent curriculum based around reoccurring substantive concepts. These concepts are categorised into two groups: Human and Physical Geography. This will allow the children to explore geography in a way that is relatable to their own life. Through exploring interdependency, the children will gauge an understanding that what happens in one place increasingly has an impact on others. Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge about the differences and diversity of places and people together with resources found in the natural and human environment. To ensure that the curriculum is coherent we underpin the substantive concepts with topics that follow the children throughout the years and link to the United Nations Sustainable Goals. We hope to foster a love of learning for Geography, as the children gain and build, year on year, knowledge and skills through class-based learning, hands-on fieldwork and trips. As a result, the children will think as a Geographer.



Our Geography curriculum has been progressively planned across the year groups.  Key skills are built on year upon year with substantive concepts being specifically taught within each year group. As children move into Key Stage Two, they work on the same objectives over two years so that they are able to build on and consolidate what they have learned. Geography is taught through topic work with cross curricular links planned wherever possible so as to achieve a holistic approach and maximum curriculum coverage. We offer opportunities for children to go out and participate in ‘real life’ experiences, providing engagement through visits and studying localities first-hand.



The impact and measure of this is for the children to be confident geographers, who are able to use their geographical knowledge on human and physical geography and the United Nation Goals. They will be able to utilise and apply their knowledge independently both in lessons and in the wider world.

Geography Progression Framework

Geography Yearly Overview