Days off school add up to lost learning
Every day, every lesson and every minute counts
Please do not let your child miss out on the education they deserve.
Persistent Absence Information from September 2015
Every Day, Every Half Day, Every Lesson Counts
Under the Education Act 1996, parents and carers have legal duty to secure their child’s regular and punctual attendance at school. As well as being a legal requirement, it also ensures your child has access to the best start in life.
From September 2015, the government reduced the persistent absence threshold from 15 per cent to 10 percent. This means that a student with an attendance of less than 90% - authorised or unauthorised will be considered a persistent absentee.
90% may sound impressive but it means they miss 19 days of education in a year, the equivalent of one half day each week and over one school year in a school career.
There are 175 non-school days per year for holidays, shopping and appointments.
Schools are no longer able to authorise any leave of absence during term time for holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances. This could result in a Fixed Penalty fine of £60 per parent per child. If not paid in 21 days this will rise to £120.
All absences and persistent lateness are followed up at Cutnall Green C of E Primary School and if attendance falls below 95% our Attendance Officer is advised and support / interventions are put in place. This is to prevent emerging patterns of absence.
If a parent or carer fails to secure their child’s regular attendance at school they will be referred to the Local Authority’s statutory service for the enforcement of school attendance and could be found guilty of a criminal offence under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
If you feel that you need any support with ensuring your child attends every day, please contact the School Office or
Please ensure your child is in school on time and every day– we expect 100%!
Every day, every half day, every lesson counts!
1. Talk to school if there are any problems or worries
We can help! We can only help solve a problem if we know about it.Staying away from school because of a problem only makes matters worse.If you are struggling to get into school please talk to us.
2. Eat healthily
A healthy diet can help keep children’s immune system strong so they can fight general viruses.
3. Get plenty of sleep
Getting enough sleep is vital for staying fit and healthy.
4. Get lots of exercise
Keeping fit, helps you to keep bugs away.
5. Make medical appointments outside of school time wherever possible
Most doctors and dentists are happy to oblige.
6. Take holidays in the school holidays
School will only authorise leave in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised leave may result in a Penalty Notice fine being issued.
7. Pack school bags and get school uniform ready the evening before
Being organised means you are much less likely to be late in the morning.
8. Come back to school as soon as you are feeling better after being ill
Do not miss school for minor upsets and don’t stay away longer than is really necessary.