Vision and Values

Cutnall Green C of E Primary School Vision


“Love, Learn and be Extraordinary”

"Love your neighbour as yourself" Mark 12:31


What makes Cutnall Green special?

Our core Christian values are:

Compassion, Trust, Perseverance, Respect and Hope.


Our vision and Christian values drive our moral purpose daily and ensure we live out our vision in all that we do. Our Christian values help staff and pupils focus on making the right decisions, strive for high standards and help us fulfil our vision to "Love, Learn and be Extraordinary" ensuring every child and adult can become life-long learners and see their limitless potential as well as flourishing to become extraordinary people now and in the future.


 Through an extraordinary education, we empower pupils to be life-long learners and see their limitless potential.

Respectful relationships and an unwavering focus on discovering talents and interests, enable pupils to flourish and be extraordinary people.

Together, we spark aspiration and drive achievement, so that pupils contribute positively to society and to their extraordinary futures in an ever-changing world.


Following our Biblical underpinning, “Love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:32)”, we strive to give children rich opportunities and broad learning experiences to enable them to flourish as unique individuals and appreciate, understand and value all beliefs, both in their local community and in the wider world to help create extraordinary futures for all. 

Theological Underpinning - The Good Samaritan

In the parable of The Good Samaritan, Jesus taught us that ordinary people could be extraordinary and do extraordinary things. Jesus taught us how to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. By treating each other as we would like to be treated, we can love, learn and be extraordinary together.

STARS Values

Whilst each individual school’s Christian Distinctiveness is celebrated within our family of schools, we are united through our shared STARS values: Share, Trust, Achieve, Respect and are Safe.  Our STARS values are the characteristics and behaviours that we ALL share.



Our first Christian value is Compassion. This is underpinned by the story in the bible where Jesus feeds the 5,000. Jesus taught the Christian value of compassion in this story and the importance of love, faith and selflessness. This links to our STARS value of Sharing.


Our second Christian value is Trust, which links to the STARS value, Trust. This is underpinned by the parable Jesus told, ‘The Good Shepherd.’ Jesus taught his followers to trust in God and that everyone of God’s children is special and loved..


Our third Christian value is Perseverance. Jesus taught his followers to persevere and never give up. This links to our STARS value of Achievement. We can all achieve, learn from mistakes and be successful, just like Zacchaeus the Tax Collector did following Jesus’ guidance


Our fourth Christian value is Respect, which links STARS value, Respect. This is inspired by the story in the Old Testament, ‘Moses and the Burning Bush’. We respect our ‘neighbours’, our environment and ourselves.


Our final Christian value is Hope, inspired by the bible story, ‘Noah’s Ark’ where God demonstrated his redemptive plan and hope for humankind and the rest of creation.  By following the Christian value of hope, we are safe and brave and can follow our dreams so that we can flourish together. This links to the STARS value of Safety.


Rivers C of E Academy Trust Vision


Love    Learn    Live


As part of the Rivers CofE Academy Trust, we follow our trust vision for CofE schools. This is based on our shared vision of Live, Learn, Love:


We follow Jesus’ example by valuing and cherishing all God’s children in an ever-changing world.  We are loved so we can love, we learn so we can grow and therefore live our lives to the full, flourishing in the eyes of God today and in the future.   

Church of England Vision

As a church school, our vision is strongly aligned with the Church of England who roots its vision and purpose for education in the biblical exhortation to 'live life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


Diocesan Vision

As part of the Diocese of Worcester, our vision is strongly aligned with the diocesan vision: 


Our diocesan vision is to grow as Kingdom People, sharing the good news of Jesus’ love in Worcestershire and Dudley. As the body of Christ, God’s Kingdom People, we join together to worship God, make disciples, share hope, and transform communities as we live out values of love, compassion, justice and freedom.