
Thank you for considering Cutnall Green C of E Primary School for your child.


The school is situated north of Droitwich Spa with our the catchment covers the four square parishes of Cutnall Green, Elmley Lovett, Hampton Lovett and Elmbridge. As a rural school, our pupils come from a wide local area reaching to Sytchampton, Ombersley, Hartlebury and Stourport.


Map showing the area of pupil intake


Pupil numbers

Cutnall Green’s Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 30. This is the number of children that will be admitted to our Reception class in September 2024.


Visit out school

We would recommend parents and children visit our school to get a feel for the school and pre-school, speak with staff, see our excellent facilities and all that we have to offer your child.

Current open events are listed on the Join our school page.


Please contact us if you would like to arrange a visit: 

Telephone: 01299 851256  



Register for our Pre-school

We have limited places available at our Pre-school therefore recommend registering your interest early.
Please contact us by telephone 01299 851256 or email with any further questions or help with application .

Apply for a Reception place

You are required to submit an online Local Authority admissions application form when starting school for the first time.  Visit to make your application or telephone School Admissions on 01905 822700 if you need assistance.

Application for Reception must be in by 15th January each year.

Parents/carers will be notified by the LA on behalf of the Governing Body by letter, of the outcome of their application by or on nominated date.


In-year transfers

If transferring schools, In-year applications can be made through Worcestershire Children First.

Admissions information

The governing body is responsible for the education and for the admissions policy. The governing body wish to reflect the Christian character of the school and its links with the local Christian community in its admissions practice.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The governing body intends to ensure equality of opportunity for all children seeking places within the school, subject to the criteria listed below, and that the school should reflect the diversity of the local community. All children admitted will be assured of an inclusive education, which respects all religious traditions.


Admission Criteria

Where Cutnall Green C of E Primary School is named in a child’s Educational Health Care Plan, the governing body is legally required to admit the child to the school. Such children will therefore be allocated places before the following criteria are applied.

Places will be allocated by the admission criteria listed below, in order, in each category:

  1. Relevant *‘Looked after’ and previously *‘Looked after’ children 'Looked after’ means all those currently in the care of or accommodated by a Local Authority under the terms of the Children Act 1989 and children who were previously in the care of or accommodated by a Local Authority but immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.
  2. Siblings of pupils already attending Cutnall Green at time of admission. Children from within the parish whose parents habitually worship at any of the four square parish churches. Children from outside the parish whose parents habitually worship at any of the four square parish churches
  3. Children living closest to the school. The distance will be measured in a straight line between home and school, measuring from mid-point of the property to the main pedestrian entrance of the school on School Lane
  4. Children who themselves or parents are practising members of other Anglican churches other faiths and wish to have their child attend a school with a religious standing other denominations.


A) Under criteria 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, a letter is required from the minister, vicar or priest, in support of the application. The governing body would expect regular attendance to be normally at least twice a month for a minimum period of six months prior to the application. The letter MUST be attached to the Cutnall Green School application form. Failure to do so will invalidate the application using these criteria.

B) A child is a sibling if they are a full or half brother or sister, they are an adoptive brother or sister or they are children of the same household. A parent includes all of those people, including carers, who have parental responsibility for a child as set out in the Children Act 1989.

C) If the child is currently attending the Cutnall Green pre school, the application must still be made for entry into the school as detailed in the section on Applications.

D) In the event that a final place(s) cannot be allocated, as it is impossible to define a difference between applications (for example, determining an allocation from persons of the same household such as children of multiple births or residing in the same household/building or other applications where the distances are equal). The allocation of the final place(s) will be determined by drawing lots. This is done independently of the Governing Body, as specified in the code.

Multiple births - If a request for a multiple birthplace is requested the governing body will seek for advice.

E) These criteria cannot be applied to applications received after the initial allocation of places has been completed if the planned admission level has already been reached.

F) Parents can also request that their child be admitted outside of their normal age group, effectively in the year group below or above their chronological age group. The admissions authority of the school must make the decision based on the circumstances of each case. This will involve the head completing an educational assessment to determine whether or not it is appropriate for the individual child to delay or accelerate their entry into school and be taught outside of their chronological age group. This is dependent on a place being available in the requested year.

G) Usually children with a date of birth in the summer term wishing to start school in the September after their fifth birthday would start in Year 1 and consequently  miss the entire reception year. To apply for a place in Year 1 and not reception. Please be aware that there may not be a vacancy in Year 1 at that time.  Parents can also request that their child enter the reception class in the September after their fifth birthday, effectively in the year group below their chronological age group. The admissions authority of the school must make the decision based on the circumstances of each case the head completing an educational assessment to determine whether or not it is appropriate for the individual child to delay their entry into school and be taught permanently behind their chronological age group.


This process must be completed in advance of the admission closing date of 15th January. In the event that the delayed entry is not approved, parents will need to make application in time for the 2017 reception intake. Should the delayed entry be approved you will be advised how to proceed at that stage. Even if it is agreed that your summer born child can start school in the September following their fifth birthday in the reception class, the normal admission arrangements apply and there is no guarantee of a place. You should therefore give careful consideration to requesting delayed entry.


We operate an equal preference system.


Waiting lists

Waiting lists will be kept open until the end of the autumn term



In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents may appeal against a decision by the Governors to refuse an application for a place. All appeals must be made in writing to the Clerk of the Governors for Cutnall Green Primary School.