Religious Education
Love, Learn, Live
Love your neighbour as yourself - (Mark 12:32)
We follow Jesus’ example by valuing and cherishing all God’s children in an ever-changing world. We are loved so we can love, we learn so we can grow and therefore live our lives to the full, flourishing in the eyes of God today and in the future.
Our vision guides everything we do at school and beyond. Building on this, RE in this school contributes to the outworking of our vision by ensuring that pupils are provided with the skills and knowledge so they value and cherish all of God’s children and their “neighbours” in a world that is full of diversity and continuing to change and live their lives to the full, flourishing in the eyes of God today and in the future.
The intent of Religious Education at Cutnall Green C of E Primary School is to teach our pupils to love, learn and live as global citizens and to follow Jesus’ example by valuing and cherishing all God’s children in an ever-changing world. We teach our children that they are loved so that we can love, we learn so we can grow and therefore live our lives to the full, flourishing in the eyes of God today and in the future.
Through RE, our aim is to deliver an RE curriculum that develops children’s knowledge and understanding of different beliefs, giving them the values and attitudes needed to live good lives in a diverse and ever-changing world. Following our Biblical underpinning, “Love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:32)”, we strive to give children rich opportunities and broad learning experiences to enable them to flourish as unique individuals and appreciate, understand and value all beliefs, both in their local community and in the wider world. Our school vision and Christian values - Compassion (linked to the STARS value, Sharing), Trust (linked to the STARS value, Trust), Perseverance (linked to the STARS value, Achievement), Respect (linked to the STARS value, Respect), Hope (linked to the STARS value, Safety) - guide all decisions about our school curriculum, ensuring every child can flourish and meet their full potential.
We aim to give our children opportunities to develop both a sense of belonging within their own local community and to develop a growing awareness of where they fit within the wider world by exploring a range of national and global issues. Our Religious Education curriculum contributes dynamically to our children’s education by exploring challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God and issues of right and wrong. Children gain knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of religions and world views. Children learn to articulate their own personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the differences of others.
We know there will be many challenges ahead. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time which impacts on all living things. Due to inequalities, global health issues, more frequent and intense natural disasters, natural resource depletion, increase in global temperatures and sea levels rising, we are now at a pivotal point. The survival of many living things and biological support systems of the planet are at risk. We have to act now.
Children are taught RE in an open and safe environment. Children are encouraged and free to ask questions and seek answers for themselves, with guidance from teachers. They have the opportunity to explore a range of religions, faiths and beliefs.
Religious Education is implemented following the Worcestershire Agreed 2020-2025 Syllabus and Understanding Christianity.
The Principle Aim of R.E. is to engage children in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address. Children develop the understanding and skills needed to appraise varied responses to these questions as well as developing responses of their own. They are able to describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices. Children are taught to recognise diversity within our local community and the wider world. This learning takes place during weekly RE lessons across all year groups and we also have specific RE days which are held throughout the year.
All children develop the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views. This allows learners to have the opportunity to enquire and investigate about key concepts in faiths and beliefs. Learners gain the ability to make enquiries into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully and articulate beliefs and values. Learning is not always recorded in a formal written way. Children are given the opportunity to use discussion, drama and art to interpret and present their understanding in different ways.
Children are respectful of all religions, faiths and beliefs. They are taught to be respectful of others’ beliefs when learning about and discussing different faiths and beliefs. Learners are able to draw similarities and differences confidently. Children have the confidence to respectfully ask questions, know where to seek answers and investigate further.
Children are able to love, learn and live as global citizens and to follow Jesus’ example by valuing and cherishing all God’s children in an ever-changing world. They are loved so that they can love, they learn so they can grow and therefore live their lives to the full, flourishing in the eyes of God today and in the future.